The organizer LOC Ski World Cup Garmisch-Partenkirchen refers to the following terms and conditions:

  • Tickets cannot be exchanged
  • No replacement will be provided for lost or missing tickets
  • The ticket must be presented upon request
  • No refund of the purchase price and fees paid if the event is canceled or canceled on the day of the race
  • We reserve the right to change the program without entitlement to a refund or reduction
  • Change of start time also possible at short notice
  • It is forbidden to bring glass containers and cans, pyrotechnic objects, flares, weapons and other dangerous objects. Bag checks will be carried out
  • Animals are not permitted on the event site
  • Baby carriages are not permitted on the event grounds
  • The instructions of the security staff must be observed
  • Ticket holders who disrupt the event or cause a nuisance to other visitors may be ejected from the event site. In this case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the admission price 
  • Claims for damages against the organizer, on whatever legal grounds, are excluded unless the organizer, its legal representative or its vicarious agent has acted with intent or gross negligence and has breached material contractual obligations. Further claims for damages can only be asserted if the specific damage was foreseeable and avoidable for the organizer.
  • Immediately upon receipt or acceptance of the tickets, the customer must check them for correctness and completeness. Complaints about incorrect or incomplete tickets will only be considered if they are submitted to the point of sale in text form by email or fax immediately upon delivery and in good time before the event in the case of dispatch, at the latest within three working days
  • The holder of the admission ticket consents – without remuneration by the organizer or a third party – to the creation, reproduction, broadcasting or other use of images of him/her during the event, in particular in audiovisual media. This consent is unlimited in terms of time and space.
  • Personal data will only be used for the purposes of contract performance, technical administration of the websites, customer administration, product surveys and marketing to the extent necessary in each case